Lisbon Declaration for a democratic Europe
The European Social Forum (ESF) has become the largest trans-European space for democratic, social, feminist and sustainable alternatives. The discussion on the democratic deficit of the European institutions and the elaboration of European demands and campaigns of social movements and civil society has gained more and more importance in the ESF process.
We, participants of the European Preparatory Assembly (EPA) of the ESF in Lisbon, consider that the “Berlin Declaration” by the governments of the EU member states aims to impose a new EU Treaty without public debate and democratic decision of the people.
This method, which excludes the peoples from their right to decide about their future and the future of the Union, will continue a neoliberal, military and anti-democratic European Union. It is this Europe that was rejected after an extensive public debate by the No votes in France and the Netherlands.
We, participants of the EPA, demand that the citizens of Europe should decide about their future through a truly democratic discussion whose result has to be agreed by referendums. Faced with the “Berlin Declaration” we call for trans-European mobilisation for a democratic Europe, a Europe of social rights for a sustainable life, a peaceful Europe in solidarity with all the peoples of the world, a Europe responding forcefully to the global ecological crisis.
Lisbon, 31st of March 2007
Aase Kristine Aasen Lundberg (Attac Norway) | Hugo Braun (European Marches) |
Action for Justice and Peace – AJPAZ (Sandra Silvestae) | Huseyin Yesil (Tmmob, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects) |
Akhan Ülkü, (Kurdish Women Peace Office) | Ines & Luis Perrira (Portugal) |
Alessandra Mecozzi (Fiom) | Ioannis Felekie (Network for Defence of Civil and Social Rights, Greece) |
Alla Glinechikova (Igso, Russia) | J.Paul Lainé (FSU, France) |
Alexandra Strickner (Attac Austria) | Judith Dellheim (Berlin Social Forum, Germany) |
Anastasia Theodorakopoula (Greece) | Juso Egireun (ESK, Basque Country) |
Ana Sofia Cortes (Portugal) | Justo López Cirugeda (Stes-i, Spain) |
Angelo Tria (Transform, Italy) | Katia Simeonidi (Greek Social Forum) |
Annick Coupé (Union Syndicale Solidaires, France) | Kilic Nursel (International Freedom Woman Foundation - IFWF) |
Annie Pourre (No Vox, France) | Lars Bohn (Attac Denmark) |
Antonio Pinto Pereira (Cidac, Portugal) | Leo Gabriel (Austrian Social Forum, Südwind) |
ARCI (Italy) | M.C. Zerdesti (Conféderation des Associations Kurde en Europe, Belgium) |
Attac Sweden | Marc Mangenot (Fondation Copernic, France) |
Bernard Bouchez (Caritas France) | Mariangela Calaluca (FCL Italy, Collettivo Bellaciao Grecia) |
Brune Seban (Sinistra Critica, Italy) | Mehmet Soganci (Turkish Social Forum) |
Bruno Ciccaglione (SDL, Italy) | Merlin Ap Ceridwen (Cymru Europa Presse, Wales) |
Carlo Antunes (contra, Portugal) | Michel Rousseau (Marches Européennes) |
Carlo Mgl. Teixeira (LPN - Liga para Protecao da Natureza, Portugal) | Mirek Prokes (Initiative for Social Fora, Czechia) |
Carmen San Jose (REDS- PHM, Spain) | Nelly Martin (European March of Woman) |
Christoph Haug (JD/JL, Germany) | Nicolas Gialepides (Sud PTT, France) |
Christophe Aguiton (Euromarches) | Nuno Ramos Almeida (Portugal) |
Delmas Chantal (Espaces Marx, France) | Peter Damo (Romanian Social Forum) |
Diana Dias (GAIA, Portugal) | Piero Bernocchi (Cobas, Italy) |
Dimiteis (Gsee, Greece) | Pierre George (France) |
Dogan Fidan (Confederation des Associations Kurde en Europe) | Pierre Khalfa (Attac France) |
Dominique Giannotti (FSU, France) | Raffaella Bolini (Arci, Italy) |
Dya Acan (Revolutionary Proletariat, Turkey) | Saloré Ribeiao (GAIA, Portugal) |
Elettra Angehelinas (Cobas Scuola, Italy) | Sara Andersson (Attac Sweden) |
Endre Simo (Hungarian Social Forum) | SDL Intercategoianne, Italy |
Erhard Crome (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Germany) | Sevgi Goyce (Kesk, Turkey) |
Esin Yelekci (Kesk, Turkey) | Silva Alves (Portugal) |
Esther Sainz-Parde Santos (Stes-i, Spain) | Sofia Kjellén, (Attac Sweden) |
Euromarches | Sophie Zafari (FSU, France) |
Famke Veheman (Belgium) | Solange Cidreira (Initiative Feministe Européenne, IFE/EPI) |
Faruk Doris (Centre d’information du Kurdistan) | Sven Giegold (Attac Germany) |
FIOM (Italy) | Tarik Yildiz (Turkey) |
Fondation Copernic (France) | Thanos Chrysos (Alis, Greece) |
Francoise Feugas (Memoria viva) | Transform! Europe |
Frauke Banse (Attac Germany) | Tsoukeles Mimiteis (Gsee, Greece) |
Greek Social Forum | Walter Baier (, Austria) |
Grupo de Accao e Intervencao Ambiental (GAIA, Portugal) | Yilmaz Orkan (Officio informatione de Kurdistan, Italy) |
Hannelore Tölke (Deutscher Friedensrat, Germany) | Hilde L. Nylén (Norway) |
Hermann Dworczak (Austrian Social Forum) |